Star Rating
Confidence with a retailer begins with knowing that a trusted third party has identified and approved the retailer's worth! This is the basis of the BestBuysOnTheNet.com Star Rating System.
What is the Star Rating System?
The BestBuysOnTheNet.com Star Rating System is an aggregated retailer score based on the overall average of our Consumer Qualification Test (CQT). The CQT is a 72-question test that targets 3 key areas of a Retailers Website. The purpose of the CQT is to determine the individual value of each target area of a retailer.
What Does The CQT Target?
Specifically the CQT targets the retailers in these categories:
- Products
- Customer Service
- Web Site Qualities
Within each of the target areas, BestBuysOnTheNet.com concentrates on the overall value that each retailer provides for consumers. Each target area has been designed to test 24 specific points that determine the score earned within each target area.
Each retailer's score is then compiled and translated into a star rating system. The star rating system is based on a total of 5 Stars. A retailer only qualifies for BestBuysOnTheNet.com if they have met a rating of 3 Stars or higher.
What Exactly Does the CQT Test?
The CQT considers every aspect of a retailer including these specific areas most valuable to consumers:
- products
- price
- customer service
- website qualities
- return polices
- product images
- product descriptions
- points of service
- retailer background
- order process
- site navigation
- site content
- retailer services
How Difficult is the CQT?
The CQT has been purposely designed to be extremely rigorous so that retailers must work and prove their value to consumers. Therefore every retailer that is approved to be represented in BestBuysOnTheNet.com is considered of high value.
What Does Each Star Represent?
Each star earned by a retailer represents a quantitative score determined by calculating the total number of points earned by a retailer as they are tested across the CQT. The highest possible points a retailer can achieve within each target area is 120 (with a total CQT score of 360). Therefore, with each star rating earned a retailer represents in action and deed that it is committed to delivering the best possible overall service to each consumer.