About National Geographic Society:
In 1888, the President of National Geographic, Gardiner Greene Hubbard, stated "the more we know the greater we find is our ignorance." It is a unique perspective that was considered by King Solomon in the Book of Proverbs from the Bible. Solomon amplified the fact that doing what is right and just, acquiring wisdom, understanding words of insight, giving prudence to the simple, and discretion to the young produces knowledge. For it is when the wise listens to instruction that knowledge is learned and wisdom is produced and understanding gained. So like Solomon and Hubbard we can rightly say that the 'more we know the greater we find our ignorance'! Interestingly enough it is through our ignorance that we desire to learn, to fill the gap between what we know and what we hope to know with wisdom so that we can indeed understand the world we live in and the reason why we exist!
To satisfy that desire for knowledge the National Geographic Society began over 114 years of exploration, discovery, invention, and change. Over a century of man's humanity is detailed in the National Geographic's magazines, videos, games, toys, maps, globes, jewelry, science tools, software, books, journals, clothing, and so many more unique products from around our world.
The National Geographic Society focuses on every aspect of our worlds cultures including geopolitical expansion, technology revolutions, cultural immigration, imploding ideologies, and the ever-changing face of moral values. Energetic in delivery, ambitious in scope, optimistic in the future, and curious for new information about the world around them the National Geographic Society is without question an integral component to our world's history.
Support the preservation of our world's history by being a customer of the society and a member of BestBuysOnTheNet.com.
Dan Hagopian BestBuysOnTheNet.com
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